Rodolfo Peraza

Camagüey, Cuba, 1980

Rodolfo Peraza (born 1980) is a Cuban-born multimedia artist focusing on language and interface as tools. Peraza is the founder of Fanguito Estudio in Havana (2009). In 2013, he launched the VRLab to develop browser-based VR technology. The VRLab explores and promotes the intersections between data, art, and the internet. Peraza also created the MUD Foundation (Miami, 2016) to advance the cross-functional approach to art and digital technologies by implementing artistic and educational programs. Peraza holds a master’s degree in Visual Arts from The University of Arts of Cuba (Instituto Superior de Arte). His work has been exhibited internationally at events such as SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles, California; the Pérez Art Museum in Miami, Florida; the Wifredo Lam Center for Contemporary Art in Havana, Cuba; the XII and XIII Havana Biennial; Künstlerhaus in Vienna; the Jumex Collection in Mexico City, among others. His work has also been included in the AGO Museum in Toronto, Canada, and the JUMEX permanent collections. Among other recognitions, his project “Pilgram: Naked Link 2.0” received the Cannonball’s WaveMaker Grant. In 2021, he was awarded The Knight Arts + Tech Fellowship.

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